DSR Partners
Self Managed Super Funds
DSR PArtners
Running a SMSF however is complex and strictly regulated by the ATO. If you decide to take control of your super savings you must understand your legal responsibilities and the types of investments you make. If you are prepared to put in the time and effort into managing your SMSF the benefits can be significant.
At DSR Partners we are superannuation experts and working closely with Country Wide Wealth we can assist in helping reach your financial retirement goals.
This is for you to decide when you are ready for the responsibility, there is no ‘ideal stage of life’ to set one up.
Typically, it is recommended that SMSFs should have a starting minimum balance of around $200,000. The ATO reports a SMSF of this size would cost around 3.26% in administrative costs.
SMSFs provide the ability to invest in a wider range of products including property and increase the flexibility of investment choices and asset selection.
It also gives you the opportunity to own your business’ real property (but not operating assets) in the SMSF, which can assist with funding and cash flow problems for many businesses.
It is easy to become disenchanted with the fees charged by managed funds and the lack of transparency. This is an opportunity to take back control.
Absolutely! SMSFs are complex and a poorly set up fund can create a lot of issues down the track and these can become costly to reverse or fix up.
SMSFs are strictly regulated by the ATO and Trustees have an enormous responsibility to ensure that the fund is correctly administered, and the members monies are appropriately invested.
Good advice can easily add thousands of dollars of benefits over the lifetime of the fund and certainly pays for itself both in the planning stages and then ongoing with structuring and investment advice.
Easily understood and safe investments are common as investors want uncomplicated structures they understand and are easily managed. Direct shares, cash and term deposits and property are all popular investments.
With the landscape of superannuation constantly changing you can be assured our specialist staff will provide up-to-date legislation and the guidance and support to help you grow your retirement nest egg.
If you are looking for a trusted SMSF advisor give us a call.